Carnelian intaglio with a Ptolemaic queen, Hellenistic artwork, Cabinet des Médailles In Revelation 4:3, the One seated on the heavenly throne seen in the vision of John the apostle is said to "look like jasper and 'σαρδίῳ' (sardius transliterated)." And likewise it is in Revelation 21:20 as one of the precious stones in the foundations of the wall of the heavenly city. The Hebrew odem (also translated as sardius), the first stone in the High Priest's breastplate, was a red stone, probably sard but perhaps red jasper. Sard was used for Assyrian cylinder seals, Egyptian and Phoenician scarabs, and early Greek and Etruscan gems.

Carnelian was used widely during Roman times to make engraved gems for signet or seal rings for imprinting a seal with wax on correspondence or other important documents. Ĭarnelian was recovered from Bronze Age Minoan layers at Knossos on Crete in a form that demonstrated its use in decorative arts this use dates to approximately 1800 BC. The bow drill was used to drill holes into carnelian in Mehrgarh in the 4th-5th millennium BC. The first faceted (with constant 16+16=32 facets on each side of the bead) carnelian beads are described from the Varna Chalcolithic necropolis (middle of the 5th millennium BC). The red variety of chalcedony has been known to be used as beads since the Early Neolithic in Bulgaria. History Polish signet ring in light-orange carnelian intaglio showing Korwin coat of arms It has been found in Indonesia, Brazil, India, Russia ( Siberia), and Germany. Significant localities include Yanacodo ( Peru) Ratnapura ( Sri Lanka) and Thailand. The color can vary greatly, ranging from pale orange to an intense almost-black coloration.

Both carnelian and sard are varieties of the silica mineral chalcedony colored by impurities of iron oxide. Similar to carnelian is sard, which is generally harder and darker the difference is not rigidly defined, and the two names are often used interchangeably. For other uses, see Sard (disambiguation).Ĭarnelian (also spelled cornelian) is a brownish-red mineral commonly used as a semiprecious stone.